Monday, February 18, 2008

just a little addendum

About the negotiating with taxis over the price. Today I was walking home from the Bibliotheque Nationale when I happened to turn around and see a taxi. I hailed it, the guy pulled over, I said where I was going, and he gave me the little head nod-thing. I got in and he repeated my destination to confirm it. I said yes, that's the place. He said "two-hundred fifty" for a ride that wouldn't cost over 100. I said, "oh, yeah, right...that's not possible." So he pulled over and told me to get out, and I did. I've never been kicked out of a taxi before, I thought I should share.

And while you're here, go here instead.
And here.
And here.


Jessica said...

Did you see that one of the photos on is from "Aberdeen"? Do you think it's in your Aberdeen?

Err Bloc Tuck said...

I'm pretty sure its the Scottish Aberdeen - think haggis instead of rib-eye - but you never know, there are a lot of ambitious kids out on the prairie...