Friday, February 22, 2008

Who doesn't love couscous dinner?

Last night I ate some delicious couscous at a restaurant appropriately named Maison de Couscous. It is an interesting place, for the both the layout and the fact that you can really only get couscous there. Other things are listed on the menu, but don't expect that they will be available. Wait, "don't expect?" Its not as if you all are reading this as a restaurant review guide for the next time you're planning on going out for a night on the town in Algiers. Anyway, I had what I thought was the most interesting plate available, which was a half/half mix of regular couscous and couscous noir. Normal, yellow or white, couscous is made from semolina (a not-quite so refined wheat flour), and noir is made from barley, or so it said on the menu. Not, once again, that the menu is to be trusted. All in all it was delicious, and it is hard to get delicious couscous outside of a private home where some woman slaves over the dinner for four hours.
That's what all my taxi drivers tell me, anyway. And the decor really made the night, as you can see in the pictures:

And I should clarify that: you serve yourself from the couscous there, and there is also a stew-type vegetable dish that you spoon all over your bowl of couscous.

And the decor again:

Looks like fun, no? Like a cowboy place, but where the cowboys ride camels instead of horses.


Kim said...

Finally, a little food porn. I want more!

Octopus Grigori said...

I love couscous. Do you know a good place for couscous in Los Angeles?

Paco Argenti said...

Beautiful. I am now hungry.

Alison said...

Why does it look like there is a mouse in your dish of couscous? mmm...